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FY 2026 City Budget Policy Priorities

The Family Homelessness Coalition is made up of organizations representing service and housing providers, children’s advocacy organizations, and people with lived experience in homelessness, united by the goal of preventing family homelessness, improving the well-being of children and families in shelters, and supporting the long-term stability of families with children who leave shelter.

Family Homelessness Coalition strives to strengthen prevention and post-shelter services for at- risk families. We promote child and family well-being when shelter is unavoidable and advocate for the creation of more permanent housing resources for homeless children and their families. Our policy priorities represent legislative and budgetary measures as well as operational reforms that in our collective professional and personal experience will have the greatest impact on reducing family homelessness in New York City.

They fall into the following priority areas: improving prevention and aftercare, expediting housing placements, improving education continuity, and conditions in shelter including intake.

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